The Communications Director is responsible for overseeing communications with the membership including, but not limited to, newsletters, electronic communications, website updates, and surveys.
Why did you join the board, and what are you looking to accomplish for MTG?
Tennis has been a big part of my life since I started playing as a teenager. I enjoy the physical exercise as much as the social components, and I love being outside in the summer. For me, tennis is about doing your best no matter what level or age you are. It’s as recreational or competitive as you want it to be, as long as you’re having fun doing it.
I joined MTG soon after I moved to NYC 12 years ago. I didn’t know many people at the time and the league served as the foundation of many longtime friendships I’ve made here. Joining MTG’s Board was a chance for me to engage more deeply with the sport I love and the league which is so integral to my NYC life. I’m excited about creating a space for other tennis fans to meet and connect with a great group of people as I have.