The Membership Director is responsible for general membership issues including but not limited to processing membership applications, responding in a timely manner to emails from the members of the public regarding memberships, joining/renewals, and membership privileges, maintaining the membership database.
Why did you join the board, and what are you looking to accomplish for MTG?
I first became a member of MTG while living in Fairfield County, CT. This was no small feat in terms of commuting, but also made me appreciate the experience of being new to the organization and a geographic outsider. MTG is a wonderfully warm group of people, but it can still be incredibly intimidating to join any group, no matter how welcoming, as a newcomer.
When I moved to NYC, I wanted to get more involved with MTG and use my experience joining the organization to make membership more accessible to everyone, particularly folks who are new to the area and looking to tennis as a point of commonality. One of the best things about MTG is the ability to foster connections among a diverse group of individuals, all with a common tie to the LGBTQ+ community. I see the most important part of my role as serving as a liaison between new and existing members, to help new members find an easy and comfortable entry point into the organization and to help existing members ensure that the organization is providing the right mix of activities, events, tournaments and other opportunities to play tennis and foster connection among peers. Of course, there are the nuts and bolts of supporting an organization and ensuring that the administrative process for members remains optimal, but my primary objective as Membership Chair is to help every member feel like MTG is adding value to their experience living in New Yor City (or beyond!).